This tutorial goes through all steps to setup a REST API using NodeJs, ExpressJS and testing it with Mocha.

It uses the latest version of Ecmascript with Babel and ESLint.

Book Structure

The book is structured into incremental steps to setup the app and add new features like websupport, persistence, auth, etc. Each step with its own test strategy.

Here is the list of chapters:

  1. Simple Node app: sets up a simple node app with linter and unit testing
  2. Express webapp: converts our app into a webserver
  3. Mongoose: adds support for connecting to a mongodb instance and persisting / retrieving objects from there.
  4. Async / Await: just how to configure babel to use async / await in our app
  5. Authentication: adds security using json web tokens
  6. Deployment: instructions on how to setup the project with shipit and also a server setup for automatic release management

Stack of technologies

List of involved technologies:


  • add supertest-as-promised and refactor tests // this is already done in example project. I need to update the book

Eventually I will add the front end and this book will be for building a complete webapp frontend + backend

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